August 13, 2024
Crime Victims Provide Information to the Georgia Parole Board
Georgia Parole Board Member Wayne Bennett conducted Victim Impact Sessions (VIS) Tuesday in Eastman, Georgia.
“It takes great strength for these victims to come forward and discuss the cases that resulted in them being victimized. Whether they themselves are personally a victim of a crime or they had a loved one taken from them, it takes courage for them to tell the Board about the impact of the crime,” said Bennett.
Victim Impact Sessions are conducted in collaboration with the District Attorney’s Office. Victims meet with a parole board member, victim services and clemency staff in a confidential setting to give the board information which is placed in the offender file. That information is then available to all five Georgia Parole Board Members as they make parole decisions.
Oconee Judicial Circuit District Attorney Timothy Vaughn says the meetings with the parole board are beneficial to the victims.
“They have the opportunity to be heard and it is important information for the Board,” said Vaughn. “These crime victims are benefiting from the services offered by the Parole Board and the Georgia Office of Victim Services,” added Vaughn.
The Georgia Parole Board and the Georgia Office of Victim Services remain committed to supporting crime victims. The Georgia Office of Victim Services is a division of the parole board and represents registered crime victims during the post-conviction process. That includes notifications of pending parole considerations and board decisions.
In 2024, all five of Georgia’s Parole Board members have conducted Victim Impact Sessions in various circuits across Georgia, meeting and listening to crime victims.
For more information visit pap.georgia.gov or contact [email protected].