December 06, 2022

GACDL Engagement

The State Board of Pardons and Paroles partnered with the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (GACDL) by attending the GACDL Fall Seminar Conference and parole staff engaged GACDL as the Board continues the revalidation process of the Parole Board's guidelines. GACDL is a member-funded state-wide criminal defense organization and consists of criminal defense lawyers, law school students, and full-time criminal investigators.

Crystal Moon, Director of the Clemency Division, and clemency staff participated in the Fall seminar conference.
The Parole Board's clemency staff provided their assistance and answered questions the lawyers had regarding the parole process.

Every five years the Parole Board ensures the guidelines follow evidence-based best practices and current community views. "We are including all stakeholders in this process. By engaging those who represent offenders, as well as prosecutors and judges, a greater community view is achieved as we seek to update the parole guideline system," states Chris Barnett, Executive Director of the State Board of Pardons and Paroles. The Board's scientific parole decision-making process includes a parole recommendation in most cases due to the application of the guidelines. In Georgia, Board Members have the discretion to agree with the parole recommendation from the guidelines system or make another decision based on the unique facts and circumstances of each individual case.  


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