Parole Revocation Hearings in Savannah, Georgia
The Parole Board conducts final revocation hearings to determine if an offender who has allegedly violated the terms and conditions of parole, will be continued on parole or have his/her parole revoked and be returned to prison. One of the five voting Board Members conducts the hearing and then makes a recommendation to the full Board, which determines if the parole will be revoked. In Fiscal Year 2016 the Board revoked the parole of 2,505 offenders. Most offenders facing a final hearing admit their violations, sign a waiver and return to prison bypassing the final hearing process. In December of 2016, final hearings were conducted via video conferencing in Savannah, Georgia. The Board Member, witnesses including law enforcement officers may be in different locations than the inmate who is testifying from a state prison. Although these are public hearings, the Board is conducting a pilot poject of notifying the Savannah District Attorney's office of the hearing schedule in order to ensure the office understands the process is transparent and open.