Parole Board Chairman Terry Barnard Guest Lecturer at Georgia State University
Parole Board Chairman Terry Barnard guest lectured at Georgia State University in February. Associate Professor Eric Sevigny, Dept. of Criminal Justice & Criminology, invited Chairman Barnard to speak to his Criminal Justice Policy Analysis class. Students in the class were studying parole policy. Chairman Barnard and staff informed the students about Georgia's effective and efficient parole process. "My students are learning about how criminal justice policy is made and ultimately evaluated. I believe the students got a lot out of learning the nuts and bolts of Georgia's parole process. Chairman Barnard and his staff did a good job relating their information to our material," Sevigny said. "This was an opportunity to inform the students about Georgia's scientific, data driven parole process and how it produces evidence based and informed parole decisions, keeping Georgians safe," stated Barnard. "It was an opportunity to help the students see that parole board decisions are not arbitrary, but are guided by a scientific, data driven approach using evidence based information designed with public safety in the forefront," added Barnard. Executive Director of Parole Chris Barnett and Deputy Director of Clemency Scott Reaves assisted Chairman Barnard. Information covered included the Board's Guidelines Rating & Risk Assessment System.