April 28, 2022

GDC Education Conference in Columbus

The State Board of Pardons and Paroles Chairman Terry Barnard told educators, counselors, librarians, and chaplains who work for the Georgia Department of Corrections that their work is essential to reentry. Chairman Barnard spoke at the GDC Education Conference in Columbus. “Thank you for the excellent job you are doing to prepare these offenders for reentry. It is you who are responsible for the successes of offenders after they leave prison,” said Barnard.

Executive Director of the Board, Chris Barnett says the Department of Corrections is a key stakeholder and partner of the agency. “The Board, and the Departments of Corrections and Community Supervision are key to the offender’s success after prison and public safety. It is important that we collaborate closely with counselors, educators, and prison staff to ensure the offenders understand what success means for themselves. As an agency, we have never worked closer or better with our partners than we do today,” said Barnett. The Parole Board’s Clemency Division also provided training to GDC staff about the parole process and the Board’s use of guidelines to reach decisions. “If everyone understands the process, prison staff can make sure that offenders understand what’s necessary to be parole ready,” Barnett said.


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