Employment/Vocational Rehabilitation Links

TOPPSTEP helps persons coming out of correctional facilities and those under community
supervision with job preparation and job search. Schedule an appointment with a TOPPSTEP
coordinator by clicking on the below link, find the DOL career center that is most convenient to
where the individual will be or is currently living, and ask to speak to the TOPPSTEP
coordinator to schedule an appointment. http://www.dol.state.ga.us/find_career_centers.htm

VR helps physically and/or mentally disabled persons prepare, start and maintain meaningful
employment. To schedule an appointment with a VR counselor, go to the following website to
find the most convenient VR location. http://www.dol.state.ga.us/find_voc_rehab_offices.htm

ATLANTA CENTER FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY: http://www.atlantacss.org/; (404) 874-8001
The Atlanta Enterprise Center (AEC) helps individuals in the Atlanta area obtain permanent,
stable employment including: employment readiness training, counseling and case management
services, job placement assistance, computer training, and a number of other supportive services
such as transportation assistance. The AEC also has a program geared to specifically
address the needs of ex-offenders. In addition to the one week employment readiness class, the
program provides an additional week of assistance with addressing potential barriers that
ex-felons may encounter in trying to find a job.

COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCIES: http://www.georgiacaa.org/
Twenty Community Action Agencies (CAA) in Georgia collectively serve all 159 counties by
providing job readiness, job training and job placement services. Click above to find the CAA
closest to where the individual will live upon release or is currently living and call the center to
schedule an appointment.

GEORGIA FATHERHOOD PROGRAM: http://dcss.dhs.georgia.gov/

Helps non-custodial fathers pay child support by providing employment readiness and workforce
preparation, transitional employment, job placement, life management and survival skills. Click
above to find a program then call to schedule an appointment.