ATLANTA - The State Board of Pardons and Paroles met today, February 1, 2016, to consider clemency for condemned inmate Brandon Astor Jones. The Board has voted to deny clemency in the case.

Jones is scheduled to die by lethal injection on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at 7 p.m. at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson.

Brandon Astor Jones was convicted of the June 1979 murder of Roger Tackett, a convenience store manager in Cobb County. Jones was sentenced to death for the murder. A resentencing trial in 1997 also resulted in a death sentence being returned. The United States Supreme Court denied Jones’ request to appeal on October 5, 2015.

In addition to hearing testimony during the meeting today, Board Members have thoroughly reviewed the parole case file of Jones. The file includes the circumstances of the offense for which Jones received the death penalty, the inmate’s criminal history, and a comprehensive history of his life. The Board has been studying the case for weeks.

In Georgia, the Parole Board has the sole constitutional authority to commute, or reduce, a death sentence to life with the possibility of parole or to life without the possibility of parole. 

For more information please contact Steve Hayes, at 404-657-9450 or [email protected] or visit our website at